Activities > Workshops & Conferences >

CONCHA 1st International Conference: Peoples, Seaports and Frontiers: Living the Ocean

10-12 July 2019, Barranquilla, Colombia



The CONCHA 1st International Conference will address the multiple ways of living the sea, mostly focusing on the 15th to 18th-century Atlantic. We expect ideas about using, exploring, understanding, representing, and discovering the Atlantic Ocean by different peoples living by and/or depending on the seas and shorelines to be addressed and discussed in a cross-cultural, transdisciplinary approach. The identification of (physical and imaginary) frontiers, of clash situations, of interactions between peoples and individuals, and between humans and the non-human world, are examples of possible aspects to be considered. We invite scholars and students from different scientific backgrounds and with distinct research methodological approaches to submit their contribution under the topics defined below, or others considered relevant in this context. We also welcome creative and innovative ways of presenting scientific and historical results and data.


Main topics

• Maritime and Marine Heritage

• Harbours, Cities and Ships

• Migration and Trade

• Contact Archaeology and Cultural Interactions

• Ideas and Knowledge Circulation and Transfer

• Animals of the Sea

• Currents and Climates of the Sea


Important dates

The call for papers will be open in early December 2018 until the 30th of March 2019. Notification of acceptance will be send out by the 1st of April 2019, and a preliminary program will be available by the end of March.


Scientific Committee

João Paulo Oliveira e Costa (NOVA FCSH, CHAM); Juan Marchena Fernandez (UPO); Cristina Brito (NOVA FCSH, CHAM); José Bettencourt (NOVA FCSH, CHAM); Poul Holm (TCD); Juan Martin Rincon (UNINORTE); André Teixeira (NOVA FCSH, CHAM); Carla Alferes Pinto (NOVA FCSH, CHAM); Inês Carvalho (APCM); Carla Dâmaso (OMA); Hamilton Jair Fernandes (IPC); Manuel Jorge do Rio (MARAPA); Gilson Rambelli (LAAA-UFS); Ingo Heidbrink (ODU); Thomas Creissen (EVEHA).


Local Organization Committee

Juan Martin Rincon (UNINORTE); José Espinosa Fernandéz (UNINORTE); Javier Rivera-Sandoval (UNINORTE).



Javier Rivera-Sandoval:

Juan Martin Rincon:




website UNINORTE



This project has received funding from the EU H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 777998.