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Infographic Climate Change




Infographic Shipwrecks Archaeology

(PT; ENG version soon)



Digital Humanities: Concepts turned into Visualisations



All the multidisciplinary approaches to the study of maritime cultural landscapes (including the spatial data related to marine resources exploitation) will be put into practice. The main objectives of WP7 is to translate scientific and historical information into digital means of visualisations. This may be done through the construction of digital cartography with related information on historical and archaeological events (GIS), or the construction of visual/digital products such as info-graphs or short informational videos.

The production of digital elements allows the integration of a large amount of data and of distinct types of information, in terms of its content, chronology and geographical scale.


Explore this Story Map bellow


3D Model of an original Whaling Boat (Fayal Island, Azores)


This model was delivered in the scope of a safeguard and dissemination action of the whaling heritage of the Azores, under the CONCHA MSCA-RISE-2017 GA777998 project.

This action was organized by OMA - Observatório do Mar dos Açores - on the 80th anniversary of the Porto Pim Whaling Station, in collaboration with CONCHA project, and had the collaboration of part the project team and local volunteers who joined the initiative.

3D Model of an sword (Instituto do Património Cultural - Museu de Arqueologia, Capo Verde)


This model was delivered in the scope of the secondments carried out in Cape Verde under the CONCHA MSCA-RISE-2017 GA777998 project.

3D Model of an Bellarmina Botle| Instituto do Património Cultural - Museu de Arqueologia, Cape Verde


This model was delivered in the scope of the secondments carried out in Cape Verde under the CONCHA MSCA-RISE-2017 GA777998 project.

3D Model of an Whale Vertebra (Instituto do Património Cultural - Museu de Arqueologia, Cape Verde)


This model was delivered in the scope of the secondments carried out in Cape Verde under the CONCHA MSCA-RISE-2017 GA777998 project.

Sea Citation Database



The Sea Citation Database is a bespoke, in-house programmed, searchable, online resource. It has been established in conjunction with the specific research efforts of the CONCHA project together with partner institutions in order to provide a simple and approachable means of accessing valuable research information originating from qualitative data sources which are provided in a uniform, information rich, quantitative format.



“Port of Call – the Western Islands”


A set of panels regarding the voyage of the Whaling Ship Charles Morgan was adapted as a touring exhibit. This work was grounded on an exhibition developed by OMA- Sea Observatory of the Azores, and presented in the New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, USA, in 2014, in the scope of the homecoming of the restored Whaling ship Charles Morgan. (pdf)


CONCHA will translate the exhibition from English to Portuguese to be displayed on site at Cape Verde and São Tomé. (PT version available soon)

Inventário AHU_Baleias_Brasil


Inventário de fontes documentais provenientes do Projeto Resgate de Documentação Histórica Barão do Rio Branco, compilado por Nina Vieira. Inclui documentos com referência a baleias e/ou à baleação, nomeadamente consultas do Conselho Ultramarino, correspondência, ofícios, petições, ordens régias, entre outros. Estas fontes abarcam o período entre 1613 e 1821, identificadas naquele fundo documental, nos acervos Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Pernambuco, Brasil Geral, Colónia de Sacramento e Rio da Prata, e Códices.




This project has received funding from the EU H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 777998.