Resources > Publications

Humans and Aquatic Animals in Early Modern America and Africa. Find out more

Una mirada crítica a la arqueología marítima en Colombia: apuntes sobre algunos pecios y restos de la batalla por Cartagena de indias en 1741. Find out more

Pugnas Comerciales y Familiares en el juego de los Intercambios en el Caribe. Los comerciantes portugueses, 1580-1640. Find out more

Las Altas Culturas de la Sierra Nevada. Territorio y Población. Una mirada a los antiguos pobladores de La Sierral. Find out more

Facing Changes, Changing Targets: Sperm-Whale Hunting in Late Eighteenth-Century Brazil. Find out more

The wonder whale: a commodity, a monster, a show and an icon. Find out more

The Voice of Skogula in ‘Beasts Royal’ and a Story of the Tagus Estuary (Lisbon, Portugal) as Seen through a Whale’s-Eye View. Find out more




This project has received funding from the EU H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 777998.