Sessão de Cinema13.11.2013
«A Cube of Sugar» (Ye habe ghand) do realizador Seyyed Reza Mir-Karimi
16h00 | NOVA FCSH - Auditório 1 (Torre B) | Entrada Livre No final da sessão, haverá uma conversa com o realizador Seyyed Reza Mir-Karimi.


Pasandideh, the youngest daughter of a joyful, traditional, old Persian family, positively glows with happiness as she greets family members the day before her wedding, which is to take place in the garden of her parent's lovely city home. There are grandparents, uncles, aunts, sisters (3 of them!), brothers-in-law (also 3 of them!), nephews, cousins, a joyous cacophony of activity and giddy excitement. The delicious feast is prepared, and the anticipation of the impending celebration of two soul mates celebrating their love before family and friends permeates the air like a fresh morning breeze. The sensual, lush photography adds a heightened pleasure to the proceedings. Yet before the celebration can get underway, the sweet sadness of mortality intrudes upon the family.

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Embaixada da República Islâmica do Irão




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