Carolina Soares


Integrada Não Doutorada


Grupo de Investigação

Dinâmicas Sociais, Económicas e Políticas






Ciência ID







I have a master's degree in History, specializing in the History of International Relations from Faculdade de Letras of the University of Lisbon. I am now a Ph.D. student, specializing in Modern History, at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon, with the project "The plurality of agents in the diplomatic interaction between Portugal and Great Britain (1715-1745)", work carried out under a Ph.D. scholarship funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (2017-2022). In addition to the academic work developed so far, I have training in Human Rights through Amnesty International, training for the support of victims of crime and cybercrime, as well as content assessment training organized by the Crimes Against Children Unit of Interpol. I am a Victim Support Officer at APAV - Portuguese Association for Victim Support - since 2017 - and I started working more closely with the Portuguese Safe Internet Helpline in 2021. Because of that, I became an operational member in 2022. Now, I am also an analyst (Content Assessment Specialist) as a member of INHOPE.

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