Federica Lupati


Investigadora Integrada Doutorada . Doutorada Contratada da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/Universidade Nova de Lisboa



Grupo de Investigação

Estudos Transculturais, Literários e Pós-coloniais





Ciência ID



Federica Lupati holds a PhD in Portuguese Studies from NOVA University of Lisbon, an MA in Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures for Ca' Foscari University of Venice and a BA in Portuguese and Spanish from the same institution in Italy. She is an integrated researcher in the Center for the Humanities (CHAM). Her PhD research focused on female rappers from Portugal and Brazil, discussing their position as women in a male centered practice, as well as their role as cultural producers, activists and as mainly Black individuals. In 2019 she has co-edited the book Challenging Memories and Rebuilding Identities: Literary and Artistic Voices that undo the Lusophone Atlantic (Routledge, 2019) with Margarida Rendeiro, and during the past years she has published in several peer-reviewed journals while also taking part to numerous international conferences where she has always discussed and debated issues related to female agency and Black, diasporic voices in the Lusophone, postcolonial world. She is an APSA and AIL member since 2016. Her research interests cover the wide range of topics that are connected to Black femininity, non-canonical practices and cultural resistance as a whole.



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