Marta Dias Barcelos


Investigadora Integrada Doutorada  . USA Internship Grant



Grupo de Investigação

Pensamento Moderno e Contemporâneo





Ciência ID







Marta Dias Barcelos is a Researcher at CHAM - Center for the Humanities, NOVA FCSH—UAc.

She earned a doctoral degree in Philosophy, with a concentration in Moral and Political Philosophy, from NOVA University of Lisbon, with the dissertation “Principialismo: Uma Inscrição da Ética no Espaço Público” (“Principlism: An Ethical Theory for Public Reasoning”), sponsored by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, and supervised by Marta de Mendonça. Between September 2016 and June 2020, she was a Visiting Researcher at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington DC, where she conducted her doctoral research, having Henry Richardson as a mentor.

Marta holds an undergraduate degree in Philosophy, a Graduate Certificate in Philosophy for Children, both from the University of the Azores, and an MA in Bioethics from the University of Lisbon.

Marta is a Visiting Assistant Professor (part-time) at the University of the Azores, where she previously served as an adjunct instructor from 2002 to 2014. She was an invited instructor at the Episcopal Seminary of Angra, where she taught different topics in Bioethics. She has served as a trainer for high school educators and health professionals. Marta also served as a member of two Ethics Committee. In 2015, she served as the coordinator for the Conference "Science and Society: Bioethics in Debate,” organized by the Luso-American Development Foundation.

Her research is primarily in ethics, foundations of bioethics, and the ethics of transplantation.



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