Thematic Line Theory and Methodology 09.02.2022
17h00 | online Conference "Idealism and Realism in Political Theory and Brazilian Thought: Three Models of Intellectual History", by Christian Edward Cyril Lynch (Rui Barbosa House Foundation)


The presentation problematizes the tendency of interpreters of Brazilian political thought to organize their intellectual traditions based on a polarization between idealists, who would see reality in a distorted way, and realists, who would see it in an adequate way. It proposes the need to avoid dichotomous classifications in order to account for the ideological complexity of social life in a more productive way.


Christian Edward Cyril Lynch is a PhD in Political Science from the Institute of Research and Studies of Rio de Janeiro (former IUPERJ, currently IESP-UERJ) in 2007. He is a professor of Brazilian Political Thought and researcher at the Rui Barbosa House Foundation.





Organizing Committee

Pablo Sánchez León (CHAM)
