Open Science goes beyond providing open, immediate and free online access to refereed research data and results (Open Access). Open Science concerns the openness of the scientific process, enhancing the concept of scientific social responsibility.


Hence, Open Access is one of the cornerstones of Open Science and therefore one of the mandatory requirements of major funding agencies.




NOVA Open Science Guide




This guide is aimed at researchers across all disciplines from NOVA University Lisbon, providing support through each stage of their research process, offering tools and practices in each chapter.








The Open Access Policy implemented by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) includes a set of rules to be complied with by funding holders (researchers and institutions), in order to ensure that the results of funded research are made available in Open Access.


FCT's Open Access Policy stipulates the mandatory deposit of open access publications in repositories of the RCAAP network. This applies to all publications subject to peer review, directly or indirectly funded by CHAM.

Publications falling under FCTC's Open Access Policy:

. papers published in scientific journals
. aproceedings and other conference outputs
. posters
. books and book chapters
. monographs
. master's dissertations and doctoral theses


As far as NOVA FCSH researchers are concerned, the following should be considered when choosing the intended journal or publication venue:


. The possibility of depositing and making the publication available on RUN (a repository hosted by RCAAP).

. The version to be deposited has already been refereed:

post-print version or author's final version (also referred to as accepted author manuscript): this is the final version accepted for publication (including the changes resulting from the scientific validation process, but not yet in final editing format).


publisher's final version (also referred to as final published version / publisher's version): this version is identical to the author's final version, in terms of content, following the amendments resulting from text review and typographic composition.


. The publisher's embargo periods should not exceed the time limits defined in the Policy (maximum duration: papers in the fields of arts and social sciences and humanities - 12 months / papers in other fields - 6 months / books and book chapters - 18 months).

. Ideally, a Creative Commons Licence should be assigned.

. Should APCs be charged (this practice is not recommended by FCT) and in order for these expenses to be eligible, open access to the paper's final version must be immediate and free of embargo and a CC BY license or equivalent must be provided. Payment of APCs in hybrid journals is not eligible.


For ease of compliance with the open access policy, researchers are encouraged to inform publishers of their obligations, as determined by the funding agencies (and including licensing requirements), upon submission of the manuscript. Should the publishing contract be contrary to the obligations of the funding contract, authors should negotiate the terms of the former with publishers or seek an alternative means of publication.








Horizon  Europe







Explore the list of directories of open access journals and scientific publishers, including editorial policies, auto-archiving, and copyright at Open Science Resources.

Find out more about the Questions and Answers about Publications, designed to guide researchers throughout the publication process.







Acknowledgement of CHAM's multi-year funding is mandatory for all directly funded publications (translations, reviews, etc.). Funding should be specified as follows:

This work is funded by national funds through the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), I.P., in the scope of CHAM’s (NOVA FCSH / UAc) project UIDB/04666.


This paper/article had the support of CHAM (NOVA FCSH / UAc), through the strategic project sponsored by FCT (UIDB/04666).

This acknowledgement should also be included in all other outputs.


Whenever works are also funded by other projects or agencies, all funding sources should be acknowledged. For example:


This work is funded by national funds through the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), I.P., under the Norma Transitória—DL 57/XXXX/XXXXXX/XXXXXX. It also had the support of CHAM (NOVA FCSH—UAc), through the following project sponsored by FCT (UIDB/04666).








Indicating one's institutional affiliation in the publications is mandatory. Failure to use the norm defined by the NOVA University of Lisbon precludes taking into account the scientific productivity of researchers when evaluating the research unit and the faculties and universities they are affiliated with. Moreover, productivity is automatically excluded from the Santander Awards for the Internationalisation of Scientific Production - a distinction awarded annually by NOVA FCSH and resulting in a pecuniary amount being granted to the researcher and/or unit.


CHAM headquarters
PhD and non-PhD Researchers:
CHAM, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 1069-061 Lisboa

Researchers with dual affiliation:
CHAM and IEM, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 1069-061
CHAM, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 1069-061 Lisboa e CES, Universidade de Coimbr

Researchers / Teaching staff:
CHAM and Departamento de História (ou DH), Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 1069-061 Lisboa


CHAM Azores
PhD and non-PhD Researchers:
Universidade dos Açores, CHAM

Researchers / Teaching staff:
Universidade dos Açores, CHAM and FCSH







Post-print version: deposit upon its acceptance for publication.

Editor's version: deposit immediately after its formal publication.







RUN, the Repository of the NOVA University of Lisbon, enables researchers to deposit and make available the results of their research in Open Access, complying with the open access policies of funding agencies. However, creating the registration and depositing the publication's PDF file is not done directly in RUN, but in PURE, the scientific output management platform. If you do not have access to PURE, contact CHAM’s management team to request the allocation of access credentials. .


More information on how to deposit your outputs in PURE
Pure Login - Logging in
Updating the researcher profile
Automatically importing publications
Adding publications manually
Exporting publications from PURE to ORCID







FCT announced the implementation of Plan S in Portugal starting in 2022. Compliance will be mandatory for funding starting thereafter.  .


Plan S is an initiative aimed at accelerating the transition to Open Access. It advocates that all scientific publications resulting from research, supported by public funding, should be published in immediate open access. In the context of FCT's activity, the open access envisaged by Plan S can be fulfilled in three ways:

. Publishing in open access journals or platforms
. Immediate availability in open access repositories
. Open access publishing under transformative agreements.







NOVA FCSH has made available a set of FAQ, tools, and resources designed to guide researchers throughout the publication process. For more information, please refer to the Open Science page.



CHAM is part of NOVA FCSH's Open Science Working Group, composed by the people in charge of the Open Science requirements at the different Research Units of NOVA FCSH, funded by FCT, and of the Research Support Office and the Library and Documentation Office. Learn more about it here: