Publishing is one of CHAM's main lines of action, aiming at disseminating original works of academic interest and contributing to a wider dissemination of the scientific activity conducted at (or in partnership with) the Centre.
The majority of our publications are authored by external researchers, both domestic and foreign, which complement and contribute to the development of the research areas focused by the Center's strategic project.
CHAM's editorial programme is based on compliance with international criteria for scientific publications and covers different publishing modalities (printed and digital), journals, series and collections. CHAM is also committed to the principles of environmental sustainability and democratisation of access to knowledge, by making all its publications available in open access, free of charge, CHAM's editorial activity is also carried out through participation in various external projects, either as a result of institutional partnerships or by supporting the publications of its researchers.
The digital catalogue of CHAM Editions is available here.
João de Figueirôa-Rêgo . Director, CHAM Publishers . Scientific Director, Studies & Documents (E&D) and Anais de História de Além-Mar
Inês Cristóvão . Editorial Coordination
João Luís Lisboa . Scientific Director, CHAM eBooks
Susana Serpa Silva . Scientific Director, CHAM Açores
Isabel Araújo Branco . Director, Cultura – Revista de História e Teoria das Ideias
Pedro Cardim . Scientific Director, Atlantic Collection
Alice Santiago Faria . Scientific Coordination, eViterbo
Francisco Caramelo . Director, Res Antiquitatis - Journal of Ancient History
José Miguel Ferreira (IHC), Matheus Serva Pereira (ICS) and Sandra Ataíde Lobo (CHAM) . Directors, Práticas da História