International Congress08.08.2023 to 11.08.2023
Indigenous Worlds
Universidad del Magdalena Theme   .   Territories, Territorializations, and Ancestral Knowledge in Borders


The International Congress of Indigenous Worlds (COIMI) is a biennial event held as part of the Permanent Seminar on Indigenous Worlds - America, at the Center for Humanities (CHAM / NOVA FCSH-UAC) from Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal, on 27-28 April 2015. With COIMI, CHAM aims to build a larger and collaborative network at national and international level for interdisciplinary discussions on the history of indigenous peoples in the Americas. The aim is therefore to broaden the dialogue between Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers on the topic in order to create new theoretical and methodological paths for research on traditional peoples from the 16th century to the present day and to promote action in favour of memory, cultural and environmental heritage, history, education and Indigenous rights at the general international level.

At IV COIMI - ABYA YALA 2023, which will take place at the Universidad del Magdalena in the city of Santa Marta, Colombia, the aim is to expand the dialogue between indigenous and non-indigenous researchers and construct other epistemological, political, decolonial and interdisciplinary pathways on the topic of Territories, Territorializations, and Ancestral Knowledge in Borders.




Universidade del Magdalena, Colombia
CHAM - Centro de Humanidades, Portugal
PPGCS - PPGH - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brasil
UPO - Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Espanha
Sorbonne Nouvelle - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, França



Ação Jovens Indígenas, (AJI), Brasil
Projeto Àwúre -Gt Povos Originários e Comunidades Tradicionais, MPT, Brasil
INSIKIRAN, Universidade Federal de Roraima
Ministerio del Interior, Colombia
Ministerio de Cultura, Colombia
Instituto de Estudios del Ministerio Público, (IEMP), Colombia
Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia, (ICANH), Colombia
Cabildo Arhuaco del Magdalena y La Guajira, Colombia
Cabildo Indígena de Taganga, Colombia
Asociación de Autoridades Tradicionales Kogui del Magdalena, Colombia
Pueblo Wiwa del Magdalena, Colombia
Grupo Internacional de Trabajo sobre Asuntos Indígenas (IWGIA), Dinamarca

