Exhibition 13.10.2017
«Lisbon Convents. Continuance and Metamorphosis»
Open until 31 January at Museu Vivo do Franciscanismo, Ribeira Grande, S. Miguel, Açores


The present exhibition results from the project «LxConvents: from the Religious City to the Secular City. The extinction of the religious orders and the dynamic of urban transformation in the Lisbon of the 19th century», financed by the Foundation for the Science and the Technology and developed between May of 2013 and November 2015.

The objectives of the project were to study, in the global and systematic form, the history and architecture of the Lisbon convents, and to understand the importance and the impact that the extinction of the Religious Orders had in the way of how it was processed the urban development of the city throughout the last two centuries.

From the perspective of the photographer José Vicente, this exhibition intends to show the peculiarity, the architectonic quality, the historical importance and the multiple existences of the ancient convents of Lisbon. Fundamental pieces of the image and identity of the city, that are often invisible at glance.

The knowledge and the spread of this inheritance contribute to move owners, public deciders and the community for the need of its protection. It is the only way to assure the legacy of this prestigious patrimonial inheritance. Used and lived, as the architectures must be.





