António Vieira, Roma e o universalismo das monarquias portuguesa e espanhola


The studies assembled in this volume focus on two main issues: the conflictive relation between the messianic mission attributed by the Jesuit António Vieira to the Portuguese monarchy and the universalisms embodied by the Spanish monarchy and the Catholic Church; and the connection between Vieira and Rome, understood in the light of the inquisitorial process he endured and the interactions with the Roman political, diplomatic and cultural environment on the occasion of his two stays, in 1650 and between 1669 and 1675.

As a whole, the works compiled herein show that, in the middle of the 17th century, and even at a time when imperial ideology was declining, universalist and messianic visions still enjoyed a very central place in European political culture. This book shows that the work of António Vieira holds a highly relevant position in this framework.


António Vieira, Roma e o universalismo das monarquias portuguesa e espanhola, Pedro Cardim (org.), Gaetano Sabatini (org.), Lisboa: CHAM, Università Degli Studi Roma Tre, Red Columnaria, 2011, 219p., (Colecção Estudos & Documentos, 12).







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