Portugal na Monarquia Hispânica. Dinâmicas de integração e conflito


Over the last two decades, historiography has devoted special attention to the period during which Portugal was part of the Hispanic Monarchy (1581-1640), making it one of the best known periods in Portuguese history. This volume aims precisely at assessing the most recent research focussing on Portugal during the rule of the house of the Austrias, by compiling the papers presented at the Fifth Red Columnaria International Symposium - History of the Iberian Monarchies, held in Lisbon at the end of 2009 and organised by a number of academic institutions.


The papers assembled in this volume analyse not only the factors that led to Portugal's integration into the Habsburg universe but also the tensions and conflicts between Portuguese institutions and social groups and the Hispanic authorities, both in Europe and in the overseas territories of Portugal and Castile. As a whole, these studies portray the role played by the Portuguese in the Hispanic political, economic and cultural sphere during the sixty years during which Portugal was part of the Spanish Monarchy, providing an in-depth and innovative portrait of this prolific period in Iberian history.


Out of print.


Portugal na Monarquia Hispânica. Dinâmicas de integração e conflitoPedro Cardim (org.), Leonor Freire Costa (org.), Mafalda Soares da Cunha (org.), Lisboa: CHAM, Red Columnaria, GHES, 2013, 515p., (Colecção Estudos & Documentos, 18)







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