Mercedes Llorente


Affiliated Postdoctoral Researcher



Research Group

Art, History, and Heritage








Mercedes Llorente is a researcher at CHAM / NOVA FCSH-UAc, (Lisbon, Portugal). She was awarded with the European Seal of Excellence (2020) for her project 886766 — MASCOT_IQ (92,60 % Marie Curie Fellowship). Also she has granted a Frances A. Yates Fellowship by the Warburg Institute (University of London, UK) to research on her project on Catherine of Braganza. Also the Renaissance Society of America gave her a mentorship during 2020. She has collaborated with research groups such as UNED-PYREM, the Institute La Corte in Europe (IULCE, UAM) and the Fundación Carlos de Amberes as Scientific Advisor in the History of Art (2014).

Dr. Llorente is a specialist in Visual Cultural, with a particular interest in the representation of royal women and children at court in the Iberian Peninsula. She has published several essays on this theme including: Mulheres da realeza ibérica mediadoras políticas e culturais, (Ed.), MIL & Instituto Cervantes, Lisboa, 2019. Las Meninas and Mariana in Mourning, Ediciones del Orto, 2018. “The Portraits of Children at the Spanish Court in the Seventeenth Century: The Infanta Margarita and the Young King Carlos II” as well as “The Portraits of Queen Mariana of Austria as Governor, Tutor, and Curator by Juan Bautista del Mazo and Juan Carreño de Miranda (1665-1676)”, in Habsburg Women of Early Modern Europe, eds. Prof. Anne Cruz and Dr. Maria Galli Stampino (Ashgate, 2013). This book was awarded "Honorable Mention" in the category of Best Collaborative Project by the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women.



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