Ana Claro


Investigadora Integrada Doutorada




Grupo de Investigação

Arte, História e Património





Ciência ID






Ana Claro. Completed the Doutoramento in Conservation and Restoration in 2009/03/09 and her Degree in Conservation and Restoration in 2004/06 both by Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia. Is Researcher at CHAM-Centre for Humanities, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Associate Editor and Co-Director of the journal Conservar Património. Published 15 articles in journals. Has 3 sections of books and 1 book. Has 1 patent registered. Organized 14 events. Participated in 2 events. Co-supervised 1 PhD thesis in History and she is currently co-supervising 1 PhD thesis in Chemistry . Supervised 1 MSc dissertation. Supervised 1 work of course completion of Degree. Has received 1 honor. Participates and/or participated as PhD Student Fellow in 1 project, Pos-doctoral Fellow in 1 project, Principal investigator in 2 projects and Researcher in 5 projects. Works in the area of Humanities with emphasis on Arts with emphasis on Art history. In their professional activities interacted with 70 collaborators co-authorship of scientific papers. In her curriculum Ciência Vitae the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural output are: material analysis; ilumminated manuscripts; binders; pigments; colour; in situ dye analysis; textiles; dressing; tradition; cultural heritage; wool; linen; cotton; silk; dyes; plants; azores; techniques; gall ink; treatment; corrosion; Portugal; trade; inovation; challenges; dyeing; conservation and restoration; Portuguese textiles; islamic textiles; Chinese textiles; history; influences; production techniques; analytical chemistry; nanotechnology.


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