João Pedro Rosa Ferreira


Investigador Integrado Doutorado   .   Professor da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/Universidade Nova de Lisboa



Grupo de Investigação

Informação, Leitura e Formas de Escrita





Ciência ID







João Pedro Rosa Ferreira is a researcher (investigador integrado) at CHAM - Centre for the Humanities, NOVA FCSH-UAc, working within the research group Information, Reading and the Forms of Writing and in the thematic line Theory and Methodology. He has a Ph. D. in History and Theory of Ideas, a Master's degree in Cultural and Political History and has graduated in History. Author of books, book chapters, scientific journal articles and papers presented at conferences in Portugal, Brazil, USA, UK, France, Mexico and Argentina. He is a member of the International Society for Luso-Hispanic Humor Studies (ISLHHS), the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) and of the International Society for Humor Studies (ISHS). His research was funded by grants and fellowships from Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Luso-American Development Foundation(FLAD). As a journalist he was editor and executive editor of several national newspapers and newsmagazines. Currently he is a contributor to magazine Domingo, sunday supplement of daily Correio da Manhã. His main research interests are cultural history, history of the book and humor studies.


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