Sandra MG Pinto


Investigadora Integrada Doutorada  .   Doutorada Contratada da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/Universidade Nova de Lisboa



Grupo de Investigação

Arte, História e Património






Ciência ID







Sandra M. G. Pinto is an architect and architectural historian specialising in the history of pre-modern building regulations. She is an integrated researcher at the CHAM, since 2013, and an auxiliary researcher at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, NOVA University of Lisbon, since 2023, having previously been a junior researcher (2019-2023) and post-doctoral researcher (2013-2019). She obtained her architecture degree in 2002 and holds an MSc degree (2007) and a PhD degree (2012) in Architecture (Theory and History of Architecture), all from the University of Coimbra. While her primary research areas revolve around the history of medieval and early modern building regulations and the history of the built environment, her interests extend to construction history, everyday building practices, urban cartography, and urban heritage. Her studies focus on mainland Portugal, assessing influences, similarities, and differences with related contexts from the medieval period to the long nineteenth century. Her main academic contributions include published book chapters and articles, which mostly concentrate on cross-disciplinary research between Architectural History and Legal History with a comparative and cross-cultural approach. She also co-edited the book “Building Regulations and Urban Form, 1200-1900” (Routledge, 2018) with Terry R. Slater. Currently, she is engaged in an individual research project titled “Does Rule Follow Rule? Linking Pre-Modern Legal Building Rules across Places, Cultures, and over Time” (2022.05944.CEECIND), seeking to understand how building rules from the past have evolved. She is also the principal investigator of the collective exploratory project “CONFORM – Conflicting Neighbours over the Built Form: Exploring Lisbon’s Legal Building Disputes in a Time of Regulatory Transition” (2022.05965PTDC), financially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, where eighteenth and nineteenth centuries legal documentary sources are used to give new insights on the history of Lisbon’s built environment and to investigate the relationships between legal rules, built form and gender. For more information see:;; Scopus Author ID: 57202634639; Researcher ID: I-5852- 2014. For more information see:;; Scopus Author ID: 57202634639; Researcher ID: I-5852-2014




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