Conference Cycle 20.01.2022
Women Painters in the Ibero-American World
5:00 PM | MNAC - National Museum of Contemporary Art of Chiado The Women of Contemporary Portuguese Tapestry, Ana Maria Gonçalves (FLUL)


Until the beginning of the 20th century, it was still expected that women's art would be delicate and sentimental, involved with the intimate sphere of the home. Women's artistic work was considered amateur, even more so in the Ibero-American space, where the predominantly Catholic culture contributed to the expectation that women would only play the role of mother and wife. In the artistic field, the barriers that confined women to an "art in the intimacy of the home" were only effectively broken in the second half of the 20th century, but in terms of criticism, a paternalistic and discriminatory attitude still persisted. This Cycle aims to highlight female painters who were particularly active in the Ibero-American world and who, over the centuries, from the late Renaissance to the present day, contributed to reducing gender prejudice and putting an end to a series of stereotypes in the art world.



Organizing Committee

Teresa Lousa (CHAM)

Linha Temática «História das Mulheres e do Género»





MNAC - Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea - Museu do Chiado



Poster (.pdf)