MasterClass 10.02.2022
Academic internationalization: illusions and solutions, Zoltán Biedermann (University College London)
11:00 am - 1:00 pm | online


This session will focus on the various obstacles that arise between the illusion of being able to capture the attention of the Anglophone academic world with Lusophone research: problems of perspective, method, language, and presentation. Based on concrete examples, we will seek to identify these problems and reflect on possible solutions.


Zoltán Biedermann is a Professor of Modern History in the Department of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Studies at University College London. He graduated in History and Archaeology from the University of Porto and holds a Master's degree in Modern History and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Munich. He earned his PhD from the Nova University of Lisbon and the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles, and obtained his first permanent academic position at Birkbeck, University of London. He is the author of numerous studies on the history of European expansion in Asia, with recently published books by Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press, and articles in journals such as the Journal of Early Modern History, Past & Present, Annales HSS, and Modern Philology. In this session, he will share his experiences of migration and academic adaptation, identifying the main challenges (methodological, linguistic, and communicative practice) in the internationalization of researchers trained in Portugal.

Exclusive to CHAM researchers.


This initiative is part of the 2021/22 activities of the Doctoral and Postdoctoral Programs department of CHAM and aims to promote contact between the center's researchers and internationally renowned experts. Masterclasses are a meeting space to learn about the know-how of invited researchers. In these events, CHAM researchers will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the experiences and professional paths of colleagues from other institutions, who can serve as examples and inspiration to facilitate the internationalization and impact of our work. Exclusive to CHAM researchers.


Organizing Committee

Pablo Ibáñez-Bonillo (CHAM)

