International Colloquium 16.02.2023 to 17.02.2023
Places and Historiographic Practices: education, heritage and printed culture
National Library of Portugal

The intersections in the fields of Education, Heritage, and Printed Culture and their developments for the writing of History are the central theme of the meeting that will bring together educators, researchers, research centers, and cultural organizations from Portugal, Brazil, and Cape Verde on February 16th and 17th at the National Library (Lisbon). This 1st International Colloquium "Places and Historiographic Practices" aims to deepen reflections and systematize contemporary issues and debates involving the teaching of history, the material construction of knowledge in the Portuguese language and its interdictions, the uses of the colonial past, and possible paths for the production and circulation of school and didactic materials, based on the dialogue between connected temporalities and geographies. "Memory and Lie" is the theme of the opening conference to be delivered by historian Fernando Catroga (University of Coimbra).


The program is structured in two moments. On the first day (16/2), the authors are invited to discuss issues gathered in the panels: "How to teach the anticolonial past?"; "The circulation of printed culture: what surprising experiences emerge on the edges of discourses and syntheses?"; "Uses of the colonial past: how do commemorations rewrite history?". Commentators and the public are encouraged to propose new issues and collaborate in the development of the presented reflections. The results of these working groups will be published in a book, following the proposal for the elaboration and public circulation of knowledge. On February 17th, the International Network of History of Pedagogies, Cultural Heritage and Didactic Materials in Portuguese will be launched, open to the participation of educators, researchers, cultural mediators, and students interested in contributing to the most diverse spaces of Culture and Teaching around the proposed themes and in permanent elaboration. In correlation with the objectives of the Network, the Conference "The Representation of Europe in Cape Verde's Primary and Secondary Education" will be held by historian Osvaldino Monteiro (University of Cape Verde).


In the afternoon, textbooks or didactic books are the focus of the roundtable "School Historiography in Dialogue: Portugal - Cape Verde and Brazil". The Colloquium ends with the Conference and debate on the theme "Race and racism 'in the oldest nation in Europe': Itineraries for the Study of Public and School History", delivered by sociologist Marta Araújo (University of Coimbra).


Participation is free but subject to registration.

Registrations are open in online and in-person modalities.

Participation certificates will be issued.


Program (.pdf)

Poster (.pdf)


Organizing Committee

Ana Paula Caldeira (PPGH-UFMG)
Clara Isabel Serrano (CEIS20)
Débora Dias (CHAM-NOVA | CEIS20)
Douglas Attila Marcelino (PPGH-UFMG)
Julião Soares Sousa (CEIS20)
Mélanie Toulhoat (IHC-NOVA FCSH/IN2PAST)
Sarah Luna de Oliveira (CHSC-UC)
Sérgio Neto (CEIS20)


Scientific Committee

Adelaide Gonçalves (UFC/ENFF)
Ana Paula Caldeira (PPGH-UFMG)
Clara Isabel Serrano (CEIS20)
Danilo Santos (Uni-CV)
Débora Dias (CHAM-NOVA | CEIS20)
Douglas Attila Marcelino (PPGH-UFMG)
Julião Soares Sousa (CEIS20)
Mélanie Toulhoat (IHC-NOVA FCSH/IN2PAST)
Osvaldino Monteiro (Uni-CV)
Samira Miranda (Uni-CV)
Sarah Luna de Oliveira (CHSC-UC)
Sérgio Neto (CEIS20).









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