Conference 22.06.2023 to 23.06.2023
Digital Humanities and Inquisitorial Study


This conference marks the end of the exploratory research project "Transcription of the processes of the Portuguese Inquisition (1536-1821)" (TraPrInq), funded by FCT, in which, for 18 months, a Portuguese-Brazilian team of paleographers created a model of artificial intelligence based on machine learning for the automatic transcription of the processes of the Portuguese Inquisition. The present conference responds to a double need: to evaluate methodologically the results of the project and to explore the horizons and possibilities of digital paleography, which has seen a significant development in the last decade. In this sense, the organization of the conference requests proposals for papers from researchers interested in these topics.

Proposals, to be sent to until 19.2.2023, should include interventions with a maximum duration of 20 minutes, addressing both (a) digital practices in the study of primary sources and (b) field studies. It is advisable to consult the two reference sites to learn about the current project. Special attention will be given to proposals that can advance the subsequent phase of this project, i.e., the creation of structures or the use of existing platforms for large-scale transcription and editing of documentary collections, institutional collaboration with archives holding such collections, etc.


Organizing Committee

Hervé Baudry (CHAM)


Scientific Committee

João Batista Bottentuit (Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Brasil)

Isabel Drumond Braga (Universidade de Lisboa)

Cristina Costa Gomes (Universidade de Lisboa)

Günter Mühlberger (Innsbrück Universität)

José Alberto Tavim (Universidade de Lisboa)





More information (web)