FORUM para os que gostam de História Moderna! 13.01.2020
Bartolomé Yun, «Los imperios ibéricos y la globalización de Europa (siglos XVI a XVII)»
18:00 | NOVA FCSH — Tower B, Room T11
FORUM is a free seminar of NOVA FCSH and CHAM, organized by the professors of Modern History and directed to all Formation Cycles.
FORUM aims to bring to the forefront themes and researchers that can contribute to open fields of multidisciplinary debate around topics already studied or in full investigation.
FORUM has an annual planning and takes place every second Monday of each month at 6pm, in Auditorium II.
FORUM ends each year with a guided tour which in 2020 will be about the city and university of Coimbra in modern times.
CHAM / NOVA FCSHPoster(.pdf)