CONCHA 2nd Workshop 21.10.2019 to 23.10.2019
«Sea and Animals: History, Culture and Marine Conservation»
Colégio Almada Negreiros (CAN)



Poul Holm (Trinity College Dublin), «Total extractions of North Atlantic cod in the Norway, /celand, and Newfoundland fisheries, e. 1500-1700»

Daniel Quiroz (Subdirección de lnvestigación, Servicio Nacional dei Patrimonio Cultural),  «On Monsters & Heroes: Narratives about relations between Southern Right Whale [Eubalaena australis] & Chilean Shore whalers in 19th Century»

Joana Gaspar de Freitas (Center of History, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon), «Between land and sea: dunes as natural and cultural heritage»

Cristina Brito (CHAM/NOVA-FCSH), «The historical encounter between humans and sea animais»


The workshop focusses on interdisciplinary research, from different time scales, with a cross-cultural and across methodologies and chronologies approach to: Sea narratives, literatures and traditions; Oceanic and littoral history; Humans and animals interactions; Marine animal studies; Sea and marine animals’ agency; Exploitation of the sea; its animals and other resources; Cultural and natural heritage and Marine conservation: past, present and future.


Free-Access, registrations and more informations via e-mail:





Final Programme(.pdf)