9th Cycle of Lectures 18.10.2019
«Luso-Italian Relations during the Medieval and Early Modern Periods»
18:30 | Gabinete de Estudos Olisiponenses
Lecture «Portugal Visto de Itália: de Francisco de Holanda a Turriano – da utopia à construção arquitetónica» by Fernando António Baptista Pereira (Universidade de Lisboa)

Italians passing through Portuguese land was something very common since the foundation of Kingdom of Portugal. With the Atlantic and Oriental expansion, it became a privileged destination for foreigners. Italians, whether they were merchants, artists, diplomats, literates, clerics or others, found fertile ground to expand their lore precisely in the Lusitanic kingdom, considered to be a meeting point for cultures and “global” knowledge. The stay of these foreigners in Portugal gave rise to reports and letters telling a reality that, in an interdisciplinary perspective, presents us with an “outsider” vision of the Kingdom of Portugal in 16th-18th centuries.





