Permanent Seminar 26.07.2018
Institutional History and Politics
17:30 | NOVA FCSH - ID Building Room 0.06 (ground floor) | Free Admission

Lecture «Municipality and public celebrations in the kingdom of Granada during the Renaissance» by Pilar Ybáñez Worboys (Universidad de Málaga)

Lecture «The defense of contraband in the Andalusian coasts of the Eighteenth century» by Pilar Pezzi Cristóbal (Universidad de Málaga)


Municipality and public celebrations in the kingdom of Granada during the Renaissance 

After the conquest of the kingdom of Granada by the Catholic Kings, the feasts and amusements will become an excellent instrument of ideological indoctrination in a territory that from then on will belong to the Crown of Castile, to the Christian world. Indeed, during the Modern Age, political-religious syncretism will flood all external manifestations of a society clearly mediated by the public, secular and ecclesiastical powers.

Among the main and permanent milestones of the Granada calendar we find the celebration of the Expurgation or of Corpus Christi, together with the Marian feasts and other significant feasts of the holy days; and within those of an eventual nature, those related to the monarchy and politics, that is, from travels, proclamations, nuptials, births and actual funerals to military or diplomatic celebrations, not forgetting convent transfers and foundations.

Pilar Ybáñez Worboys, Professor of Modern History, Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, University of Málaga (Spain). His lines of research focus on the 16th century, the municipal administration on its more institutional side, with special dedication to local oligarchies and clientelistic networks, as well as mentalities, religiousness and festive atmosphere. These themes were extended both to the kingdom of Granada and to the Crown of Castile, and the chronological structure was extended, sometimes, to the eighteenth century. 


The defense of contraband in the Andalusian coasts of the Eighteenth century 
In order to deal with the smuggling phenomenon in Gibraltar, so-called Resguardos were set up on the shores of Andalusia: armed groups with a military structure in charge of patrolling backs and fields, confiscating traffickers and confiscating goods (tobacco and textiles) that would have defrauded real income. Documentation allows us to know the two conflicting sides: the rounds, locations and components of these police forces and the detainees, who they were, what the confiscated products were, and sometimes the value of their sentences. A reality of the eighteenth century that is still current.

María del Pilar Pezzi Cristóbal, Professor of Modern History in the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Málaga (Spain). His research focuses on the Eighteenth century, with various themes such as the municipal administration of Vélez-Málaga, contraband and power elites of the Kingdom of Granada.





