History Practices 27.11.2018
Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past
18:00 | NOVA FCSH - Tower B, Auditorium2

Launch and Roundtable «Norbert Elias and Social Sciences» with Fernando Ampudia de Haro, Francisco Bethencourt and Hermenegildo Fernandes.


On the occasion of the release of the fourth issue of Práticas da História: Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past, we organize a roundtable on Norbert Elias' contributions to History and Social Sciences. We gathered in this talk four researchers that have kept a close relation with Elias' work while examining very different topics and periods: the historian and sociologist Fernando Ampudia de Haro, the historian Hermenegildo Fernandes and the historian Francisco Bethencourt, author of an article on Elias published in this issue of the journal.

From the 27th of November, the current issue of the journal can be found at





For more information(.pdf)