17Th BIEN Congress 25.09.2017 to 27.09.2017
Theme: Lisbon: Implementing a Basic Income
September 25 | Assembleia da República
September 26 and 27 | ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management, Universidade de Lisboa

Today basic income attracts the public’s attention as a potentially fair and realistic public policy. We can see this attention as important political parties in Europe have adopted the unconditional basic income as a policy objective. Our 2017 congress will discuss the different aspects of the politics of a basic income under the general theme: Implementing a Basic Income. 

In addition to various national and international academic experts, the congress plans to bring together representatives of political parties, of civil society, and of business entities, among others, to discuss a cross-cutting concern to all regarding growing social inequalities, structural unemployment and the sustainability of social security, both in Europe and worldwide. An event that aims to gather several critical voices in search for socially innovative solutions and alternatives.


Organization: RBIP - Associação pelo Rendimento Básico Incondicional Portugal


