In Southwestern Amazonia, academic research has revealed over 1,000 geometric structures, formed by excavated ditches and walls. The designs of these earthworks are circles and squares, but many other forms have also been identified, such as rectangles, ovals, and octagons. This documentary reveals Indigenous narratives on these pre-colonial earthworks, recent research findings from international collaborative teams, and perspectives of Brazilian government officials on the sites. Furthermore, the film addresses current challenges in the protection of Indigenous cultural heritage.
Direction: Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen
Denise Schaan, André dos Santos, Artur Arias Dutra
Length: 44 minutes.
Producer: Universidade de Helsinque, Universidade de Turku, UFPA
Organising Committee
Pablo Ibañez-Bonillo (CHAM / NOVA FCSH, Portugal)
Juciene Ricarte Cardoso (PPGH - UFCG, Brasil; CHAM / NOVA FCSH, Portugal)