International Symposium29.11.2023 to 30.11.2023
Press and Circulation of Ideas: Newspapers and Journalism in the 19th Century
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal


Held within the scope of the activities of the Free Seminar on the History of Ideas, this symposium inaugurates at CHAM a line of investigation that aims to think about the press as a factor in transforming the world in multiple aspects: social, cultural and political and to provoke reflections on how circulation of periodicals was an important factor in shaping Western culture as we know it. In this proposal, the emphasis will be placed on the great press of the 19th century, specifically that published in daily, weekly or monthly newspapers and magazines. The tradition of research on the history of the press at CHAM had José Augusto dos Santos Alves as its main researcher. Passed away in 2021, Santos Alves dedicated his career exclusively to studying the history of the 19th century Portuguese press. This symposium is a tribute to this remarkable historian.


The Symposium will be broadcast on CHAM's YouTube:


November 29th

Part 1:

Part 2:


November 30th

Part 1:

Part 2:



Organising Committee

Isabel Lustosa (CHAM)


Scientific Committee

Isabel Lustosa (CHAM)
Adelaide Vieira Machado (CHAM)
Gilda Santos (RGPL/UFRJ)
Luís Andrade  (CHAM)
Tania de Luca (UNESP/Assis)





Poster (.pdf)

Program (.pdf)