Lecture 10.12.2015
The Use of Chinese Pidgin in the Macau-Canton Axis (18th-19th centuries)
6 pm | NOVA  FCSH - ID Building, Room 0.06 (Ground floor)  | Free Admission


«lla pidgin you give my hand: o que é e para que serve um pidgin?» por Hugo C. Cardoso (CLUL)

«Quando o Uso do Chinese Pidgin English em Macau se torna um Elemento Identitário da Comunidade Anglófona. O Exemplo do Diário de Harriet Low (1829-1833)» por  Rogério Miguel Puga(CETAPS, CHAM)


The Permanent Seminar on Studies of Macao, organized monthly by CETAPS (Centre for English, Translation, and Anglo-Portuguese Studies) and CHAM (The Portuguese Centre for Global History), is a European platform that allows international researchers to present the conclusions of their studies on Macao, in various disciplines, thus enhancing this initiative with its interdisciplinary and international dimension of the studies on Macao. If you wish to submit a proposal for a presentation, please contact Rogério Miguel Puga (








Poster (.pdf)