Seminar 03.12.2015 to 04.12.2015
Aldo Manuzio: The 'Republic of Letters' and the Creation of the Modern Book
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Auditório | Entrada livre


In the occasion of the fifth centenary of Aldo Manuzio’s death (c.1450-1515), the man who helped transform printing in art, the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal and the Universidade Nova de Lisboa – through the Centro de Estudos Históricos (CEH) and the Centro de História d’Aquém e d’Além Mar (CHAM)- joined together to celebrate the event, organizing a seminar which will evoke not just the printer and humanist but also the “itálico” as one of humanity’s greatest legacies.



Organization Committee

 Ana Paula Avelar (CHAM)
 Fernanda Maria Guedes de Campos (CHAM)
 Nuno Vila-Santa (CHAM)







For more information (Web)