International Congress21.11.2024 to 03.12.2024
Indigenous Worlds, Europe
Poland, France, Spain and Portugal


The V International Congress Indigenous Worlds, Europe in 2024 will take place in four countries: Poland, France, Spain and Portugal. This scientific event, which has been running for nine years in Europe and America, is a traditional activity of the Permanent Seminar on Indigenous Worlds research group. This group at CHAM - Nova FCSH was created in 2015 in partnership with the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Campina Grande, Paraíba. The Permanent Seminar on Indigenous Worlds, Abya Yala is currently coordinated by our researchers Juciene Ricarte Cardoso and Pablo Ibanez-Bonillo, who are also part of the organization of the V COIMI.



. 21 a 22.11.2024 - Instituto de História, Academia Polaca de Ciências Varsóvia;

Abstracts - Poland (.pdf)


. 25 a 26.11.2024 - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle;

Abstracts - France (.pdf)


. 28 a 29.11.2024 - Universidad Pablo de Olavide;

Abstracts - Spain (.pdf)


. 02 a 03.12.2024 - CHAM / NOVA FCSH.

Abstracts - Portugal (.pdf)





CHAM / NOVA FCSH, Portugal
Instituto de História, Academia Polaca de Ciências Varsóvia, Polónia
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, França
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Espanha

Poster (.pdf)