Commemorative Congress of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April23.10.2024 to 25.10.2024
Half a Century After April. The Revolution in the Atlantic Space
University of the AzoresCall for Papers – until 20.04.2024


Celebra(ng the 50th anniversary of the 25th April 1974 Revolu(on means evoking a remarkable movement and turning point in the History of Portugal. The path to democracy, development and decoloniza(on was opened. The Atlan(c archipelagos became autonomous regions, and the country sought and won a place in the European Union. Portuguese society was modernized, educa(on progressed and became universal, along with a greater offering and diversity in the cultural field. April changed the structures of thought, created new mentali(es, and shaped the genera(ons that make up contemporary Portugal.
Five decades later, there are mul(ple reasons to celebrate April's achievements, to reflect and debate the present, and envision the future. April, yesterday, today and tomorrow is the theme of this congress, that will focus on the na(onal reality, with an emphasis on the archipelagos, and also on the repercussions of the Carna(on Revolu(on in Europe and in the Atlan(c World.



Scientific Committee

Ana Cristina Gil (CHAM Açores)
Ana Paula Pires (HTC – CFE FCSH-NOVA)
Josélia Fonseca (CHAM Açores)
Susana Serpa Silva (CHAM Açores)



CHAM Açores



Call for papers (.pdf)

Poster (.pdf)