International Workshop26.09.2024 a 27.09.2024
Intertwining Architectural History with Legal History
Universidade de CoimbraCall for Papers – 31.05.2024


This workshop aims to encourage interdisciplinary discussions and international collaborations that explore the intersection of Architectural History and Legal History. As Architectural History expands towards the cultural history of the built environment, surpassing traditional focus on design and artistic aspects, Legal History encompasses a broader scope than legislated law, including legal institutions, practices, and procedures. By intertwining these fields, this workshop seeks to shed light on the complex relationships between law, society, and architecture – an area of research that remains largely unexplored. Through the examination of legal documents, regulations, and practices, we seek to uncover the hidden legal facts embedded within the built environment, from territories and urban spaces to everyday dwellings. In short, this workshop advocates for the significant informational value of legal aspects, revealing and enhancing our understanding of historical building practices.


Organising Committee

Alice Santiago Faria (CHAM)
Sandra M.G. Pinto (CHAM)
Sandra Osório (NOVA FCSH)
Elisabete Cardoso (AUC)



Universidade de Coimbra


Call for papers (web)