Women's History Archive, by Małgorzata Dajnowicz (University of Białystok)
04:30 pm| FCSH UAc, Audiovisual Room (3rd floor)



Małgorzata Dajnowicz, Professor of Humanities (2019) works at the History Department, University of Białystok, where she heads Department of Cultural History and the Women's History Workroom. She is hired at the Pilecki Institute’s Totalitarianisms Research Centre in Warsaw. Prof. Dajnowicz is chairperson and founder of the Institute of Women's Studies and author of several scientific monographs and over 160 articles published in national and international journals. Her scientific interests include 19th and 20th centuries history, women's history, history of elites (National Democracy elites mainly) and regional history. She participated in many scientific scholarships, including the Foundation for Polish Science (twice) and Lanckoroński Foundation. She has received and completed many scientific grants: from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Science, National Centre of Science and National Centre of Culture. She has held scientific internships and lectures in many foreign regions (Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Norway, Canada). In 2018 - 2023, she was a Podlaskie Voivodeship Cultural Property Conservator. She is a member of Science Evaluation Commission for 2023-2027. Awarded with the Silver Cross of Merit (2011), Merit for Polish Culture (2018), The Gloria Artis Medal for Merit to Culture (2023).





CHAM Açores



Poster (.pdf)