Permanent Seminar of Studies on Globalization and Intercultural Exchange


The purpose of this permanent seminar, throughout its sessions, is to discuss how intercultural exchanges were developed, between the 15ht-19th centuries, within the context of a Global History. Bearing in mind that such a conceptual anchor allows the understanding of History in several locations, we believe this is an important methodological tool for historians addressing the cultural issues.

Thus, in addition to the debate on this historiographical procedure, this permanent seminar seeks to disclose the various studies that are being developed around the European cultural dynamics in the Iberian context and in the extra-European spaces, colonial or otherwise. The connections with the Iberian America are particularly privileged, specifically with Brazil, Mexico and Peru, as well as sub-Saharan African and Asian spaces, especially in India, China and Japan.


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Ana Paula Avelar (CHAM)



