Prosa dispersa de Jorge Barbosa


‘The publication of the present volume [...] aims at revealing the author as a prose writer. These texts confirm his break from the classic tradition reminiscent of the nineteenth century that was present in Cape Verdean literary production before the emergence of literary modernity in Cape Verde, on the island of São Vicente in March 1936, with the publication of the journal Claridade - Revista de Arte e Letras.

[...] his poorly known prose writings acquired crucial importance in his work. Indeed, in addition to his literary experience, these texts also incorporate the experience of daily life in Cape Verde, as a result of a careful observation of what happened in the archipelago, with the main purpose of revealing seemingly hidden events, thus assuming an important role in the construction of an engaged and committed literature, keen to take note of aspects of the islands' simplest occurrences.

Thus, Jorge Barbosa's Scattered Prose is divided into five fundamental chapters. The first includes six articles and a critical review; the second three interviews; the third four letters; the fourth compiles thirty-nine ‘Crónicas de São Vicente’; and the fifth features two short stories.’



Prosa dispersa de Jorge Barbosa, Hilarino Carlos Rodrigues da Luz (org.), CHAM: 2022, 161p. (CHAM eBooks, 7).







Available at RUN - Repositório da NOVA (web)