Entre les deux rives du détroit de Gibraltar. Archéologie de frontières aux 14-16e siècles, En las dos orillas del estrecho de Gibraltar. Arqueología de fronteras en los silos XIV-XVI



The sea is seen nowadays as a binding factor between Southern Iberia and North Africa, and the Strait of Gibraltar as a vital link between both continents. This book studies the continuities and ruptures between the two sides of the strait with regard to material culture, trade routes and procurement, and the exploitation of natural resources, as well as urbanism, military architecture and domestic activities in the 14th-16th centuries

Bilingual edition - French and Spanish.


Entre les deux rives du détroit de Gibraltar. Archéologie de frontières aux 14-16e siècles, En las dos orillas del estrecho de Gibraltar. Arqueología de fronteras en los silos XIV-XVI, André Teixeira (coord.), Lisboa: CHAM, 2016, 448p., (Colecção ArqueoArte, 5).








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