Entre ciência e cultura: da interdisciplinaridade à transversalidade da arqueologia, Actas das VIII Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica




The Young Researchers in Archaeology (JIA) conferences are mainly aimed at promoting contact, discussion and awareness of work developed by students and researchers who do not hold a PhD in archaeology. Entitled ‘Between science and culture: from interdisciplinarity to the transversality of archaeology’, the eighth edition of JIA was held by CHAM and IEM in Lisbon, at FCSH/NOVA, between October 21 and 24, 2015.

The highlights of this meeting were the role of new technologies in the archaeological data processing, heritage education and the didactics of archaeological dissemination among the communities. But also chronologically cross-cutting subjects, such as urban archaeology, maritime archaeology, landscape archaeology, microarchaeology or zooarchaeology. There were also contributions dealing with theoretical and practical issues from Prehistory to the Modern Age, with particular emphasis on the analysis of material culture.

The meeting and the proceedings now released are an important step forward in the dissemination of rigorous and innovative work that puts into practice the concepts of inter- and transdisciplinarity, in order to make our culture and heritage relevant, present and socially indispensable.


Entre ciência e cultura: da interdisciplinaridade à transversalidade da arqueologia, Actas das VIII Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica, Inês Pinto Coelho (coord.), Joana Bento Torres (coord.), Luís Serrão Gil (coord.), Tiago Ramos (coord.), Lisboa: CHAM, IEM, 2016, 593p., (Colecção ArqueoArte, 4).







Available at RUN - Repositório da NOVA (web)