Thinking Goa – a Singular Archive in Portuguese



Start . 2015

Duration . 48 months

Principal Investigator . Hélder Garmes (USP)





Main Institution

Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas / Universidade de São Paulo


Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur le Monde Lusophone / Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Centro de Estudos Comparatistas / Faculdade de Letras/Universidade de Lisboa
Centro de Estudos de Povos e Culturas de Expressão Portuguesa / Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Centro de História d'Aquém e d'Além-Mar / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/Universidade Nova de Lisboa | Universidade dos Açores
Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical

School of Modern Languages and Cultures / University of Leeds
Universidade de Aveiro
Universidade de São Paulo
Université Paris-Sorbonne



This project aims to rewrite the history of literature in Portuguese from Goa, a former Portuguese colony in India. It privileges, on the one hand, the relation of this body of writing with its host society’s cultural, intellectual and artistic dynamics and, on the other hand, the connections that can be established today between this literature and its context and other related literatures and contexts. Although some important works have already provided an outline of Goan literary history, the full scope of the territory’s literary production is still to be established and sustained analysis of the works that constitute this body of writing has not yet been made, especially with regards the social conditions obtaining in this former colony. In addition, very few comparative works connecting Goan literature, history and cultural contexts to other literatures from different cultural and intellectual contexts exist.



In practical terms, this project intends: 

1) to catalogue and reproduce (whenever possible) Goa’s literary and journalistic production in Portuguese, as well as to complete the inventory of Goa’s artistic heritage of Indo-Portuguese origin; 

2) write a history of Goan literature in Portuguese that interprets these works in relation to the everyday intellectual life of Goa. Furthermore, this project shall also explore the several layers of meaning which this

literary and cultural production can acquire if compared with other literatures and other cultures, in particular those where Portuguese is the official language; 

3) foster academic exchange between India and Brazil in the fields of language and literature, and in particular, between Goa University and the University of São Paulo





Hélder Garmes    .    Coordenator 

Alice Santiago Faria (CHAM)

Sandra Ataíde Lobo (CHAM)

João Teles e Cunha (UCP)

Adma Muhana

Fátima Freitas Morna

Mónica Esteves Reis

Benjamin Abdala Junior

Helena Carvalhão Buescu

Monica Marise Nadine D’Lima

Célia Cristina da Silva Tavares

Jason Keith Fernandes

Patrícia Souza e Faria

Christopher Larkosh

Joana Passos

Paul Melo e Castro