The Atlantic of the others: Africa, Bahia, Portugal and a shared ocean (17th-19th centuries)



The project «The Atlantic of the others» aims to study the political, socio-economic and cultural changes that marked the history of the Atlantic world until the abolition of slavery, taking into consideration West and Central Africa's relations with Brazil. This project complements two other projects in progress, stressing the study of the African contexts: 



1) Salvador da Bahia: American, European, and African forging of a colonial capital city (BAHIA 16-19) a joint project by CHAM-UNL/Uac, UFBA and EHESS, funded by Marie Curie Actions (PIRSES-GA-2012-318988) and lasting between 2012 and 2016; 


2) Uma cidade, vários territórios e muitas culturas. Salvador da Bahia e o mundo Atlântico, da América portuguesa ao Brasil República, a joint project by CHAM-UNL / UAc and UFBA, funded bilaterally by FCT and Capes.


- Ana Canas (AHU)

- Pedro Cardim (CHAM)

- Roquinaldo Ferreira (Brown University)

- Vanicléia Silva Santos (UFMG)



Te main aim is to study the political, socio-economic and cultural dynamics that marked the history of West and Central Africa, in particular the territories of the coast of Mina, Cape Verde and Angola and their relations with Brazil during the colonial period. However, its chronology will be extended until the abolition of slavery (1888). 

Together with the other referred projects, this project has two main objectives:


Start: 2015

Duration: 12 months

Principal Investigator: Hugo Ribeiro da Silva (CHAM)




- Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Main Research Unit

- Centro de História d'Aquém e d'Além-Mar / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/Universidade Nova de Lisboa | Universidade dos Açores


- Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino / Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical
- Universidade Federal da Bahia