Political and Cultural Dialogues between the ‘Estado da Índia’ and Europe (1557-1580)



Start . 2016

Duration . 23 months

Principal Investigator . Nuno Vila-Santa (CHAM)


Main Research Unit

CHAM — Centro de Humanidades



A number of different subjects have been researched in the scope of this scholarship, resulting in a state of the art for the ongoing project: biographical studies of governors and viceroys of India (Francisco Barreto and Dom Francisco Coutinho, the 3rd count of Redondo); the study of ‘accounts’ written in the ‘Estado da Índia’ [Portuguese India] during this period, such as Diogo do Couto's Primeiro Soldado Prático or the account by visitador Valignano; approaches to the implementation of the Counter-Reformation in the ‘Estado da Índia’ during this period.

A broader approach to the era of King Sebastião, from a wider Euro-Asian geographical perspective, is expected to provide insights into the political and cultural dialogues and exchanges between Europe and Asia at a time of transition from Renaissance to Counter-Reformation.