Ana Lopes


Collaborator  .  PhD fellow  . Guest Lecturer at Universidade do Minho



Research Group

Art, History, and Heritage





PhD student in Architecture at EAUM, with the thesis “Arquitetura militar de origem portuguesa na Península Arábica: as fortificações em Mascate (séculos XVI e XVII)" (Military architecture of Portuguese origin in the Arabian Peninsula: fortifications in Muscat (16th and 17th centuries)), supervised by Jorge Correia ans André Teixeira. She holds an MA in Architecture (2009) at EAUM. From 2009, she has lectured as a Visiting Professor at EAUM and is a researcher at CHAM, where she has researched Portuguese Military Architecture in Morroco, and also at Lab2PT. Her research interests include the history of architecture, civil and military architecture and their urban settlements, with a special interest in the architecture produced by the Portuguese Maritime Expansion between the 15th and 18th centuries. Within this scope, she has worked on various research projects, participated in scientific meetings and published articles and book chapters.



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