Angelo Cattaneo





Research Group

Information, Reading, and Writing Form







Angelo Cattaneo (PhD EUI, Florence) is a Senior Research Fellow of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (« Investigador FCT ») based at the NOVA FCSH.

His research revolves around 2 main topics: 1. The cultural construction of space from the 13th to the 17th century, by studying cosmography, cartography, travel literature, and the spatiality of languages and religions; 2. The history of cultural exchanges between Europe and Asia, with a focus on languages, religions and scientific practices at the interface of trade and mission within the Iberian Empires.

- History of the European expansion 1250-1700, with 2 foci: Medieval travels in Asia and the Iberian Empires.

- Medieval and Early Modern forms of cultural mapping in Europe and Asia.

- History of the Christian missions in Asia, with a focus on the Jesuits in China and Japan, with respect to scientific exchanges and the European understanding of religions and languages beyond the space of the Bible.

Angelo authored two monographs, including «Fra Mauro’s Mappa mundi and Fifteenth-Century Venice» (Brepols, 2011), five edited books, and thirty among book chapters and journal articles. 

FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECTS (coordination and direction)

1. (with A. Curvelo, FCSH, P.I.), « Interactions between rivals: the Christian mission and Buddhist Sects in Japan (c.1549-c.1647) », financed by the FCT» (2012-2015)

2. (with J-M. Besse, CNRS – P.I.) réseau de recherche international « Les atlas dans les cultures scientifiques et artistiques modernes et contemporaines » (ACSAM) - (2012-2016).

3. PI of the FCSH exploratry project « The Space of Languages. The Portuguese Language in the Early Modern World» (2015-2017).


April-May 2016: JCB Fellow.

2013/2014:I Tatti Fellow, The Harvard University Center for Renaissance Studies in Florence.

June-September 2014: The Japan Foundation



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