Inês Torres


Junior Researcher .  Postdoctoral fellow . CHAM


Research Group

Representations, Discourses, Materialities, and Uses of the Past












Inês Torres is a postdoctoral fellow and researcher at the Centre for the Humanities of Nova University Lisbon (CHAM/NOVA-FCSH) and director of the Mastaba of Akhmerutnisut Documentation Project (MAD-P), Giza, Egypt. She has a Ph.D. in Egyptology (Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations) from Harvard University, an M.Phil. in Egyptology from the University of Oxford, and a B.A. in archaeology from the University of Lisbon. Her research focuses on the topic of memory and remembrance in ancient Egypt, emphasising the physical and visual aspects of the ancient Egyptian tomb as important mechanisms of persuasion in the production, construction, and negotiation of memory. She explores the role of the tomb as a social space, developing an interdisciplinary approach for understanding how individual and collective memories regarding deceased individuals were shaped by the physical space and decoration of their tombs. Dr Torres has published in English and in Portuguese (her first language), both for the general public and in academic publications. She has participated in several archaeological excavations, in Portugal and Egypt, and has extensive experience working for museums, such as the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, and the Harvard Art Museums. Dr Torres is also the founder and manager of the Instagram outreach project "Uma Egiptóloga Portuguesa" ("A Portuguese Egyptologist," @umaegiptologaportuguesa), which aims to share educational content on Ancient Egypt and Egyptology in Portuguese. She is also co-founder and co-host of the first scientific dissemination podcast about ancient Egypt in Portuguese, "Três Egiptólogues Entram Num Bar" ("Three Egyptologists Walk into a Bar").



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