Cátia Mourão


Senior Researcher


Research Group

Representations, Discourses, Materialities, and Uses of the Past






Ciência ID






Cátia Mourão has been awarded a PhD and MSc in Art History of Antiquity and has a degree in History/History of Art, all from NOVA FCSH. Her research is focused on classical iconography and iconology, its origins and development in occidental art until our days. Her Doctoral thesis addressed the study of heteromorphic figurations (teratology, hybridism and metamorphosis in progress) in Roman Hispania's mosaics, and was passed with the highest classification by an international jury, recommended for publication and, therefore, the author¿s name was added to the Board of Honour (2010-2011). Her Master's thesis on water iconography in Roman mosaics in Portugal was supported by Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), passed with the highest classification by an international jury and published by EPAL (Lisboa, 2008). She is an Integrated Researcher of CHAM - Centro de Humanidades (FCSH-UNL) and a Collaborator Researcher of IHA - Instituto de História da Arte (FCSH-UNL); she is also a Cultural Adviser to the Portuguese Parliament, where she became the first Museum Director (2014-2017). In the academic years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 she was an Invited Teacher (Lecturer) in Classical and Late Antique Art History in Portugal at the History of Art Department of FCSH-NOVA. She has organised scientific meetings on Art History of Antiquity, co-curated Art exhibitions and participated in free courses, academic seminars, symposia and scientific research teams in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Turkey and Perú with several publications.


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