Luiza Osorio G. Silva




Research Group

Representations, Discourses, Materialities, and Uses of the Past





Luiza Osorio G. Silva is Assistant Professor of Art History, Archaeology, and Visual Studies at the University of California, Irvine. She holds a PhD and MA in Egyptian Archaeology from the University of Chicago, and a BA in Archaeology and the Ancient World and Egyptology from Brown University.
Luiza’s current  main research interests include ancient Egyptian kingship, specifically the non-royal experience of kingship in the Middle Kingdom (ca. 2030-1650 BCE). Other research interests include the contexts and audiences for art and architecture, and the intersections between space and power.
Luiza is the Assistant Director of the Mastaba of Akhmerutnisut Documentation Project (Giza, Egypt) and an archaeologist for the Memphis-Kom el-Fakhry Archaeological Project (Memphis, Egypt) and the Petra Terraces Archaeological Project (Petra, Jordan). She is also the co-host of a podcast about ancient Egypt in Portuguese, titled "Três egiptólogues entram num bar"



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