Código . CERV-2023-EQUAL/101144478
Início . 2024
Duração . 12 meses
Investigadora Principal . Margarida Rendeiro (CHAM)
Entidade Financiadora
EU — Program Citizens, Equality, Rights, Values (CERV)Instituição Coordenadora
To Hamogelo Tou Paidiou (Grécia)Parcerias
Associazione Culturale Mulab (Itália)CSI Center For Social Innovation Ltd (Chipre)
DYPALL Network: Associação para o desenvolvimento da participação cidadã (Portugal)
European Antibullying Network
Rinova Malaga S.L. (Espanha)
Stiftelsen Kursverksamheten Vid U-Auniversitet - FU-UPPSAL (Suécia)
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Portugal)
Znanstveno-Raziskovalno Sredisce Koper (Eslovénia)
HUMAN aims to contribute to the eradication of structural hate against diaspora communities through a learning, practice-based programme that enhances multisector and intercommunity activism in view of promoting changes in youth’s attitudes and behaviours with a focus on the opportunities created by digital technologies. Specifically, HUMAN is developed around three axis of action:
1. The professional development of individuals whose role enables them to act and be agents of generational change in the communities - decision and policy-making role (public entities and local authorities particularly connected to youth); educators (broadly defined as individuals whose professional role involves working with young people in formal, non-formal, and informal settings); civil society organisations (particularly those promoting youth activism).
2. Develop young people’s competences to become Digital Hate Interrupter Activists, supported by and cooperating in a framework of multisector agents, equipped to promote youth’s critical thinking (namely, on hate discourses against diaspora communities and uses of Social Media Platforms), participation, digital competences.
3. Promoting sustainability via professional development, networking and communication actions towards the integration of Digital Hate Interrupter Activism in municipal action plans, local youth councils and strategic action plans.