Marie Sklodowska-Curie 21.07.2020 to 09.09.2020
Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF) 2020
Submission deadline - 09 September 2020


NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, through its research units, is keen to host potential candidates.
We present some of the CHAM projects that are available to integrate candidates for this call.


All interested applicants are encouraged to contact directly the Principal Investigators (supervisores) of the available projects, as soon as possible.


TechNetEMPIRE - Technoscientific networks in the construction of the built environment in the portuguese empire (1647-1871)
Principal Investigator (supervisor): Alice Santiago Faria

VESTE _ Dressing the Court: Costume, Gender and Identity(ies)
Principal Investigator (supervisor): Carla Alferes Pinto

Environmental History and the Sea
Principal Investigator (supervisor): Cristina Brito

ArTravel | Principal Investigator (supervisor): Maria João Castro

Principal Investigator (supervisor): Maria do Rosário Monteiro

The representation of commerce in the Spanish and Portuguese Enlightenment, and in their colonies
Principal Investigator (supervisor): Pablo Sánchez León

Marching City - Cartography of a moving army (Morocco, 1578)
Principal Investigator (supervisor): Edite Martins Alberto

Early modern censorship in action: making and using the Portuguese Index
Principal Investigator (supervisor): Hervé Baudry

Marching City - Cartography of a moving army (Morocco, 1578) 
Principal Investigator (supervisor): Luís Costa e Sousa

MYTH AND FANTASY                                                                                                                
Principal Investigator (supervisor): Maria do Rosário Monteiro


For more information(Web)